Wednesday, 11 November 2015

An autumn story.

I just had to share this session - it was one of those times when everything just fell into place. Most important part of every session is the wonderful family - let me in to see the glimpse of their life so that I could document it for them. When it happens, it's priceless. Here are some of my favourites:

And those two little boys - they just stole my heart! The big black camera with lots of buttons was a big hit as well!
Don't forget to book your own session - to have images to treasure, especially as your children grow up!

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Glorious autumn

Autumn definitely is one of the most beautiful time of the year. We had a lot of leaf fights and have tried to enjoy it as much as possible. And here are a couple of images to celebrate it!
I try to make a leaf hat every autumn. One day I should make a tutorial - would anyone be interested?

© Tamara Tovey Photography