Sunday, 5 July 2009

My sunshine on a cloudy day

Originally uploaded by (: Tamara :)

What do you do the first day when you find out that you baby has chichen pox? I don't know what normal people do, but as a photographer and a MWAC (mum with a camera for those who don't know what MWAC is :)) I put a nice dress on her and we went to a park area with long grass and no other kids she can give it to. I just wanted to photograph her in case I will do be able to do it for a while if she is not well and has a lot of spots. We were lucky - it was just before a thunderstorm so we had nice dark clouds and everything looked magical.
The chicken pos was very very mild for Lucy, I even started to doubt if that was it. The most annoying thing was having to stay away from other people. Lucy is a very people person so she was very bored at home with me this week. It was a very hard week, but not because of Lucy's chicken pox.....



Jenny Strawhorne said...

What a cutie! I'm glad she's feeling better and I hope this week's a good one. :)

YULIA said...

These pictures are wonderful! I am sorry that you had a hard week. What happened?

Tamara Tovey said...

Thanks, Jenny, we are all better now!...
Yulia, my mum and my brother were refused visas to come to see us for 3 weeks... :( But we did meet, I will blog about it soon (we just came back today).

© Tamara Tovey Photography