Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Pre-Christmas availability.

I know, I know, it's not even Halloween yet! However, if you are thinking about a very meaningful gift for somebody you love and care about - here is an idea. Why not to book a family photosession and then gift your loved ones with beautiful canvases or framed images? A gift for your spouse with a family/children photographs or for your parents with the photographs of your children.
And taking into the consideration the time to edit and to create the finished products, there isn't that many weekends left! I have a very limited weekday availability and that's all that's the only Saturdays left:
20th of October (morning)
3rd of November
17th of November
Contact me on tamara@tphotography.co.uk if you would like to book your family session to used the images for your Christmas gifts!


© Tamara Tovey Photography