Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Birthing shirt

I'm very much behind on blogging so I will start with the most recent sessions. Last weekend I had a session for Lindsey from the Birthing shirt company . All I can say I wish I have found out about it a year earlier! I won't be showing you my after birth photos that's for sure! I ended up buying a cheap nightie from Primark but it was too short to walk around without anything else, looked ugly and I wish had poppers instead of buttons and more of them for better access for breasteeding. Lindsey has really thought everything out and her attention to every detail is amazing. She is an Architect after all! Very good access for breastfeeding, a lot longer than a regular t-shirt (did I mention I wish I've known about the birthing shirt a year ago?!), lovely soft bamboo fabric. And looks nice!
But I will let you see for yourselves:


And a matching headband:

It was nice to work with Lindsey, to try and get the images she wanted so those who buy it can see what it looks like on a pregnant model. And if you are expecting or know somebody who is, it would make a fantastic gift. And even though it's called a birthing shirt, it can be used during pregnancy and after birth as well so totally worth the investment.


Sasha said...

it is very nice shirt!!And I love your pictures!!Beautiful time of life=))) Saha=)

Rosalind said...

Really beautiful work Tamara. I love the last one under the tree.

Tamara Tovey said...

Thank you very much, Sasha and Ros! The last one was my treat after everything on the list of needed shots was done! Apple tree was so beautiful, couldn't bear to not incorporate it!

© Tamara Tovey Photography