I was contacted by a very lovely lady from USA who was going to visit a few places in Europe with her family and they wanted to have a photography session in Bristol. Which I thought is a great idea - a family session combined with the holiday memories. They wanted something that would look very British, I suggested a few places and they have picked Blaise Hamlet and Blaise Castle. We all know what this summer was like - the closer the day of the session was approaching, the worse was the forecast. But because they were in Bristol just for a few days, we couldn't really reschedule it, so we decided to go ahead.
So, the first micarle. They were a bit late and it was raining heavily while I was waiting in my car in the Blaise Castle carpark. But just before they have arrived, it stopped raining. And it hasn't rained for the whole 2 hours of the session! Just how lucky!
We shot most of the session at Blaise Hamlet and then were planning on going to the Blaise Castle. I wasn't sure if we will do it since it has rained all morning and all the paths would be muddy. But as you can see, we made it!

And that's when the second miracle happened. I've lived in Bristol for 6 years and have been at the Blaise Castle playground with my children numerous times, we have also went up the hill to look at the Blaise Castle many times but have never been inside, thought we really wanted to. But it so happened as we were wrapping up the session in front of the Blaise Castle, somebody who had a key to the castle happened to be walking by and offered us to go in and see the beautiful view from the roof which was just amazing. I just couldn't believe it! Since then I have came back with my girls as they have always wanted to see what is behind the locked door.
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